Thursday, May 20, 2010

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3R for our earth rather than football?

today when at the flight, I learn some new term in firefly magazine called 3R-reduce, reuse and recycle.
It is different from what i know about 3R . As i am a football fan, the 3R i understand is Ronaldo, Robinho and Ronaldinho of Brazil in last world cup. Unexpectedly, green concept or i rather called it green trading using protecting earth as a packaging.
Among the 3R in protecting earth, i think reduce is the most important.Reduce is just like preventive medication. By reduce the purchase of whatever not really needed, we can reduce the wastage and rubbish. So why we need recycle if that't not much rubbish.
Reuse to be a bit like treating medication what i do almost daily. After we use the plastic bag than we should not throw it and we can reuse it again and again until it is broken. I actually do it daily. It is a bit like treating the disease when it existed .The concept of this is a bit lower than reduce as rubbish or unfriendly item to earth already existed. The last R -recycle is more like palliative medication for example degradable plastic, etc. Some of the product is not really friendly but just to ease the guilt of the user. The recycle product take more cost, lower quality and maybe more energy consumption than create the new one. The only good point is reduce the unfriedly product in the earth. Green house effect and global warming is not much help.
AS a earth residents, i think we should reduce wastage.

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