Wednesday, May 02, 2007

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spiderman 3 =spiderman maybe is you or others?

this year most anticipated movie (spiderman 3)at last reach cinema at 1st may 2007. Full booking for his movie. I as a fan of spiderman and marvel comic definetely try to be the first to watch the movie. I like it because spiderman is the only heroes (so called your friendly neighbourhood) who live as normal human with the gifted power. In spidey 3 , his good deed being admired by NY people so he become more and more over confident . Mary jane find he is not the guys next door she know any more. Further more when alien material attach to him , he become more and more overconfident. His dark side exposed fully. At last, his loves towards Mary JAne and his aunt support bring him back to Normal. Aren't you feel this story a bit familiar. It happens every day around us or even it can be you or me. Why? We sometimes with our hardship earned us a title, wealth, skills to heal(esp dr), At return, people start to praise ,respect. In the beginning we think this is our part, but when time went longer and longer. Sometimes , we do think we can do everything and we are above the others. Subsequently we lose ourselves. With influence by bad thing(just like alien material in spiderman3 ), our dark side will revealed. So pretty like our story isn't it. Director try to tell us something from this blockbuster in a creative, interesting way. This is one of the best movie i watched just like spiderman 1 and 2.For the briefing of the story


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