Friday, June 15, 2007

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It sucks!

This week is a busy week and bad week from me. Continuous with the previous remaining patient from various country, that is still a remaining foreign patient in this ward. Other than taking over indon patient with Infective endocarditis to cardio ward and discharge of vietnam and bangaladesh dengue patient . The biggest headache patient is still in our ward. the bangaladesh patient which we take 2 to 4 days to get his stool sample. The best part is he got Salmonella typhi. So it is Typhoid fever. We started him with rocephine and to be discharged we need him to hand in 3 stool C & S(culture and sensitivity) which is negative. Basically he not understand what we want. so everyday we do sign language to him .Every patient happy to see that because we looks like "monkey" when we try to communicate with him . At last, that is a middle aged Bangaladesh who works for 12 years become our translator.He still refused to sent stool samples until further discuss plus forcing only he agreed. When i am happy and foresee the discharged the patient.There comes another Bangaladesh patient (not understand BM and english)with diarrhoea . The stool and blood C& S turned out to be Salmonella typhi . Oh ,goodness. Another monkey moments for us.
I think government should consider teach us the simple bangaladesh .At least , set the rule for all bangaladesh worker to know the simple BM or english before step in Malaysia . It is troublesome to us since Their commission is not helpful to provide translator to us. Not many people understand bangaladesh worker.Another thing is they are really a major host for Typhoid.
Almost all patient with fever, diarrhoea and abdominal pain is typhoid.
No other cause is the provisional diagnosis.
I wish i will got the ability of C3PO (the golden robot ) who peaks 290 language in the galaxy to communicate with them or archieve the ability of mind reader to know what they are thinking and sent my brain message to them.
Obviously , this is the fantasy.


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