after drug eluting stent(DES) produce for some time . Finally a head to head study comparing DES and CABG(coronary artery bypass grafting)for left main and triple vessel disease is out in NEJM.
Results is fail to show non inferiority compare to CABG. 12% for CABG compare to 18% DES in one of 4 adverse events.(first -all cause mortality, 2nd, MI 3rd-stroke, 4th revasularisation).There was no difference between the two
groups in death, MI, and stroke at one year.a 1.6% higher incidence of stroke in the CABG group.cardiac mortality
is 1.6% higher in the angioplasty group than the bypass group.
CABG is still mode of choice.The more complex the coronary, the better outcome with CABG compared with PCI.
Results is fail to show non inferiority compare to CABG. 12% for CABG compare to 18% DES in one of 4 adverse events.(first -all cause mortality, 2nd, MI 3rd-stroke, 4th revasularisation).There was no difference between the two
groups in death, MI, and stroke at one year.a 1.6% higher incidence of stroke in the CABG group.cardiac mortality
is 1.6% higher in the angioplasty group than the bypass group.
CABG is still mode of choice.The more complex the coronary, the better outcome with CABG compared with PCI.