Sunday, July 19, 2009

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my new toy?

today got intention to spent money on new toy, wonder need to buy ps 3, wii or the most urgently need RMVB player. The player which let you interface what you download and play it in your TV. Something cost you 170-200 previously. Now is between 119-150 low end, HDMI -179-220. HD resolution 320. I buy 129 one, good feature, eligent look and most importanly cheap and reasonable for me. No money to buy hdtv , guess is enough for me for this time . Later but hdtv one when buy hdtv, Price may be 120 later. Can get 2 then.
Experience in computing is buy whatever neccesary first coz price go down super fast, tech is on going improve.
Next toy to buy would be vaio-p. wait till i desperate, price is still high 2999-3999.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

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Michael Jackson RIP

I actually temp to write this blog 1 week ago but my soul and emotion remain slight depressed plus busy with my work so this blog title is remain running in my mind.Born at 1958 and died at 2009. His age of 50 is a bit young but compare to musical legend, John lennon, elvis. He live the longest. Compare to my patient . He live shortest. For your information, my youngest patient under my care is 67. Average age is 75-85.I think average age of Malaysian will be increase in next cencus.
I occasionally compare my pt with MJ, I think MJ living in glory although late in his life , that's controversy in his private life but his moon walking dancing, unique sound will remain in every one head regardless you like his music or not.
MJ is the first singer who sang english song i know of. I know thriller, billy jean, beat it at primary school. He sentimental song like you are not alone, ben , heal the world are also my favourite.
To me a glory 50 years is much more valuable than living 90 years in miserable and no people knowing about you.
The most important thing in life is living meaningful rather than living long .
I think people nowaday are "dying too long, living too short"